
A Simple Hope

And then I realize..
I never have any positive experience with cheating or that kind of unfair things. I used to hate it, and still hate it, wkwk.

Well, cheating is not cool, you know. NEVER.

Because it compromise the whole process that we should get through.

Yeah, this was only a very little contemplation on my mind I poured here. This might be related with the national situation nowadays, but believe or not, we face that things we hate anywhere and anytime. And I think we can not wait anymore to cut off that horrible chain.

I knew for sure, this is dunya where nothing will really just or fair and everything here is the tests, unlike in the jannah. But, as long as we're able to live, then nothing's wrong to keep fighting for the good and justice. Remember that our Creator is always value the efforts not the results.

I hope we will strengthen this nation starting from ourselves with honesty and integrity. A hope of mine is as simple as that.

Do the right things, ALWAYS.
Taken from here


[Angkot Series] Be Grateful

Meskipun angkot udah cukup ditinggalkan karena dirasa kurang efektif dan efisien dalam segi waktu, gue yang masih setia banget naik angkutan ini kepikiran buat ngebagiin berbagai pengalaman selama jadi penumpangnya. Harusnya sih ini udah dari dulu gue angkat sebagai tema, tapi baru kepikiran sekarang haha. Sebenernya postingan ini pun berhubungan sama angkot yah, jadi gue tambahin aja di judulnya pake 'Angkot Series', wkwk.

Di postingan ini, gue mau cerita pengalaman gue yang bikin gue tersadar untuk selalu bersyukur..

Be grateful always!
Taken from here
Maira Gall